What do points make? Confusion, mostly

One of the most baffling aspects of tendering is the points and weighting system. I am still on my epic search for a clear and simple written guide that explains how weighting and points relate to each other and how they affect the bidder – until then, here’s my own very much condensed overview, which […]
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ITT – Clinical Systems Programme

Following a comprehensive evaluation of past bids to identify areas for improvement, I undertook a consultative role during the preparation of a highly complex and extensive clinical IT systems bid. Evaluating and reviewing over 1,000 individual answers, I also provided guidance and support to the client’s team throughout the project.
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ITT – Framework – Grounds Maintenance

A previous client returned for further bid writing support to gain an essential place on a newly created framework, which superseded an existing, standalone contract. The new framework also covered several more facilities and their success in this bid enabled the client to provide services to a much larger customer base.
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Experience Essential?

When I’m asked what exactly it is I do for a living, one of the best ways I've found to describe bids and tenders is ‘a bit like writing a job application but for a whole company’. It’s not entirely accurate; there are obviously many differences, but it’s similar enough to get my point across. I’d like to address one of those similarities today, because understanding it is crucial to success in tendering and because it’s something that I frequently find myself explaining to new or potential clients.
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PQQ & ITT – Residential Building Security

This client had completed the PQQ themselves but felt that a review of the documentation prior to submission would highlight any weak areas, which could then be resolved to make a stronger submission. However, at this point there was only 3 hours to go until the deadline!
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PQQ & ITT – Disabled Adaptations

This micro business had been successfully providing services to a council for over two decades via referrals and requests by satisfied residents. A shake-up within the council’s procurement department meant the company now had to tender for all future work through a framework agreement.
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PQQ – Grounds Maintenance

A well-established, local company had several contracts coming up for renewal over the course of the year and needed some assistance in becoming ‘tender ready’.
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ITT – Agency Nurses & Social Care Workers

This exceptionally complex ITT comprised of several ‘lots’, with detailed pricing and discount structures and a mountain of evidential information required. It was a highly competitive tender with at least 300 other bidders vying for a limited number of contracts per lot.
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