
Obligatory 2021 update

2019 seems like a very long time ago now and I think we can all agree that, no matter how akin to normal we might strive to get ‘back’ to, realistically, *everything* has changed. At least a little bit, in some way. Back in late 2019, I was putting together plans to wind down UK […]
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To Bid or Not to Bid? Episode 2; Series 1: The Essentials

0.75x 1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x 0:00 00:16:39 To Bid or Not to Bid? Episode 2; Series 1: The Essentials Share ReviewDownloadApple PodcastsSoundCloudSpotifyGoogle PodcastsRSSListen in a New WindowStitcherSubscribe on AndroidPlayer Embed Responding to tenders takes time and effort. It’s essential to have a clear idea of the types of contracts that are worth your company’s time […]
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NEW in the podcast: To bid or not to bid?

0.75x 1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x 0:00 ... NEW in the podcast: To bid or not to bid? Share ReviewDownloadApple PodcastsSoundCloudSpotifyGoogle PodcastsRSSListen in a New WindowStitcherSubscribe on AndroidPlayer Embed Responding to tenders takes time and effort. It’s essential to have a clear idea of the types of contracts that are worth your company’s time and energy […]
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NEW in the podcast: Where to find tenders

0.75x 1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x 0:00 ... NEW in the podcast: Where to find tenders Share ReviewDownloadApple PodcastsSoundCloudSpotifyGoogle PodcastsRSSListen in a New WindowStitcherSubscribe on AndroidPlayer Embed There’s no one single place to find all the contracts up for tender in the UK and across Europe! Frustrating, no? In episode 1 of my first UK Bid […]
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Workshop: To bid or not to bid?

Workshop: To bid or not to bid?

Developing a strategy to find the right tenders for your business. What are your bidding 'deal breakers'? A half-day workshop perfect for SME away days, contracting organisations' supplier days and business group members.
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Workshop: Defining ‘social value’

Workshop: Defining ‘social value’

What is it and how can it give smaller companies the edge? Perfect for SME away days, business group membership offers and contracting organisations' supplier days, this half day workshop will help you understand the importance of social value and show you how to leverage it as part of a winning tender response
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Announcing one of 2018’s SmallBiz100 – me!

Announcing one of 2018’s SmallBiz100 – me!

I’ve been selected as one of this year’s Small Biz 100! Each year, Small Business Saturday choose 100 UK small businesses to support in the run up to the busiest shopping day in the calendar. My 'day' will be Wednesday 29th Aug - why not join me then?
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All-time top 5 posts about bids and tenders

I'm currently planning out my 'how to' and other posts for 2018; in the meantime, click through for the links to the top five most read during 2017:  1. Top Tips - Responding to tenders 2. Where to find tenders - a list 3. Finding opportunities - how to use TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) 4. What happens when the bid writer bids for a contract? 5. Pre-election purdah and tendering And, to start 2018 off as best we can, my personal favourite: To bid or not to bid? How to work out which tenders are right for your business
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